Restorative Dentistry in Tucson, AZ

Restorative Dentistry in Tucson, AZ

Restorative dentistry refers to the treatment of teeth that have been decayed, chipped, cracked, or otherwise damaged. Decay can cause severe damage to the structure of teeth, making them weak and brittle. If decay is left untreated, a tooth can eventually break or become loose and fall out. At Spera Dental, Restorative dentistry typically focuses on repairing damaged teeth to restore their function and appearance.

Types of Restorative Dentistry

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are a type of restorative dentistry dental restoration. They fit over the entire tooth, which can repair a tooth that is cracked, broken, or severely worn down. They can also fill a gap between two teeth. A dental crown can enhance the look and health of your smile.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a type of restorative dentistry treatment that replaces one or more missing teeth. Dental bridges are secured using dental crowns, which are placed over the teeth on either side of the gap. 

Tooth Fillings

Tooth fillings are one of the most common restorative dentistry treatments. During a dental filling, a decayed or damaged portion of the tooth is removed and replaced with a filling material. These fillings can be made to match the color of the tooth, making them practically invisible.

Benefits of Restorative Dentistry

Improves Looks

If your smile has been damaged by decay, disease, or injury, it can make you self-conscious about your appearance. Many people with damaged smiles avoid smiling altogether. Restorative dentistry treatments, such as dental fillings, dental bonding, and dental crowns, can repair your smile so you can look and feel your best.

Improves Function

Restorative dentistry treatments can also improve the function of your smile. For example, when a tooth is damaged by decay or injury, a dental filling can be used to restore its structure. This then allows the tooth to function as it should so you can bite and chew comfortably.

Helps Prevent Decay

Another benefit of restorative dentistry is that it can prevent future decay. When a tooth is damaged by decay, bacteria can enter the tooth and cause further decay. When you receive a restorative treatment, it seals off your tooth and prevents bacteria from causing further damage.

Improved Oral Health

When a tooth is damaged or decayed, the structural integrity of the tooth and gum tissue may be compromised. This can lead to gum disease, gum recession, and even tooth loss. A dental crown is a restorative treatment that can improve the appearance of a tooth while also protecting the remaining structure of the tooth.

To learn more about the pros of restorative dentistry, contact Spera Dental at 5190 E. Farness Drive, Suite 102, Tucson, AZ 85712, or call dentist in Tucson, AZ at (520) 323-3241.


5190 E. Farness Drive, Suite 102,
Tucson, AZ 85712

Office Hours

MON8:00 am - 4:00 pm

TUE8:00 am - 2:00 pm

WED8:00 am - 12:00 pm

THU8:00 am - 4:00 pm

FRI - SUNClosed